Together for a 1.5°C world


Climate Change is Moving Faster than We Are

The latest science shows that climate change is moving faster than we are, and every part of the globe is feeling the consequences.

The Earth is already 1.2°C warmer than pre-industrial times. Every fraction of a degree closer to and beyond 1.5 °C will cause more extreme floods, droughts, storms, heatwaves and rainfall. It’s time to break this harmful cycle.

COP28: A Turning Point for Global Action

COP28 will take place at Expo City Dubai from 30 November to 12 December 2023. Hosted by the UAE, the climate change conference will build on decades of global cooperation in addressing climate change.

A successful COP28 will bring ambitious political commitments that deliver a pathway aligned with the 1.5°C temperature goal, while mobilizing all actors to create resilient societies.

Emirates Nature-WWF sees COP28 as a driver for stronger ambition on nature and climate across the world. In particular, we expect greater domestic action amongst all actors across mitigation, adaptation, finance and nature, and increased civil society and youth participation in the UAE.

Our role: Accelerating domestic action for climate and nature

Emirates Nature-WWF is an environmental charity in the UAE with a strong history of working with government, private sector and academia to implement and scale up science-based conservation programmes. We work in association with WWF, the global conservation organization.

With over two decades of experience, we offer a unique perspective on domestic climate action and nature conservation.

Our Director General Laila Mostafa Abdullatif serves as an advisor to the COP28 Presidency, advocating for mitigation, adaptation and finance actions that are consistent with science and achieving net zero carbon emissions by mid-century, in line with the goals of the Paris Agreement. She also calls for greater integration of nature and Nature-based Solutions in the global response to climate change.

Emirates Nature-WWF supports the action agenda of the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, mobilizing the engagement of domestic non-state actors – including the private sector – to ensure stronger and more ambitious climate action in the UAE.

At COP28, we aim to contribute domestic insights to global dialogue and harness the local momentum around COP28 to garner greater political and financial support for high-impact conservation initiatives that address the climate-nature nexus.


Blue Zone events for COP28 delegates

Green Zone events for COP28 visitors, members of the Public and Youth


Create impactful campaigns

Collaborate with us to conserve the nation's precious ecosystems through marketing and fundraising campaigns, which foster awareness and contribute to a meaningful impact

Business-led climate solutions

Supercharge your decarbonization journey by partnering with the UAE Alliance for Climate Action (UACA), UAE’s flagship domestic non-state actor program

Rethink Plastic

Join the movement to reduce single use plastic bags, by offering eco-friendly alternatives and driving long-term behaviour change

Become a Green Giving partner

Support local conservations projects that contribute to UAE’s climate and nature goals

Support youth movement for nature

Nurture today’s youth into tomorrow’s leaders, by providing opportunities for the to connect with nature, upskill themselves and drive positive change in their communities

Give back to the environment

Donate today to help maximize our collective impact towards safeguarding people and planet

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